[Note: if this blog seems rambling and incoherent it's because I haven't completely recovered from hell day.]
Saturday was a day best forgotten, only I can't. It was like a bad dream, but I haven't had enough sleep lately to allow any dreaming. Nope, it was ugly reality.
It started waaaaay to early after not getting to bed until a few minutes before 1 am. I took some extra vitamin C before going to bed hoping to ward off whatever was making my throat sore and scratchy. I tossed and turned for two and a half hours before getting up in utter frustration. My throat felt even worse than before, my nose was a little stuffy, and my eyes burned -- no, they weren't actually aflame; they only felt like it.
I spent the next few hours either working at the computer, wiping my watery eyes, or going over my lines for an 8 am call. As I wrote in my last blog, I learned the shoot was postponed only after I arrived at the TV studio, so I hijacked a Capitol Metro bus and told the driver to take me home, or else!
Back at the apartment things were about to get even uglier. Jocelyne, my "petite amie," discovered her car wouldn't start. I helped her remove the battery so she could use my car to take it to Auto Zone to be tested while she ran some errands.
Meanwhile, I began gathering some things to take to the 4 pm shoot. After about an hour she returned to tell me that she had been in an accident and damaged my car. She was okay other than being shaken by the experience. Plus, she was distraught that she had damaged my car. The damages were minor and hardly noticable, but understandably she felt bad.
The later it got, the worse I felt. I was determined, though, to carry on since I played a central role in both skits. I, along with Sami, another member of the group, arrived before the call time at Scott's place. The other member, Kat, was unavoidably detained and arrived much later.
For about an hour we worked on a new script for the first skit and I began my ill-fated attempt at learning my lines. I could hardly read through my teary eyes, but it helped a smidgen when Scott printed my lines out in 24 point type. However, nothing helped penetrate the fog that surrounded my brain.
Saturday was a day best forgotten, only I can't. It was like a bad dream, but I haven't had enough sleep lately to allow any dreaming. Nope, it was ugly reality.
It started waaaaay to early after not getting to bed until a few minutes before 1 am. I took some extra vitamin C before going to bed hoping to ward off whatever was making my throat sore and scratchy. I tossed and turned for two and a half hours before getting up in utter frustration. My throat felt even worse than before, my nose was a little stuffy, and my eyes burned -- no, they weren't actually aflame; they only felt like it.
I spent the next few hours either working at the computer, wiping my watery eyes, or going over my lines for an 8 am call. As I wrote in my last blog, I learned the shoot was postponed only after I arrived at the TV studio, so I hijacked a Capitol Metro bus and told the driver to take me home, or else!
Back at the apartment things were about to get even uglier. Jocelyne, my "petite amie," discovered her car wouldn't start. I helped her remove the battery so she could use my car to take it to Auto Zone to be tested while she ran some errands.
Meanwhile, I began gathering some things to take to the 4 pm shoot. After about an hour she returned to tell me that she had been in an accident and damaged my car. She was okay other than being shaken by the experience. Plus, she was distraught that she had damaged my car. The damages were minor and hardly noticable, but understandably she felt bad.
The later it got, the worse I felt. I was determined, though, to carry on since I played a central role in both skits. I, along with Sami, another member of the group, arrived before the call time at Scott's place. The other member, Kat, was unavoidably detained and arrived much later.
For about an hour we worked on a new script for the first skit and I began my ill-fated attempt at learning my lines. I could hardly read through my teary eyes, but it helped a smidgen when Scott printed my lines out in 24 point type. However, nothing helped penetrate the fog that surrounded my brain.
We proceeded, nontheless, with me reading my lines during the shooting, pretenting I was working on forms while seated at a desk. In my opinion it was a less-than-successful attempt. If only I'd had a day to familiarize myself with the script...
Everything considered, we decided to postpone shooting the second skit until our regular meeting on Monday.
By the time we wrapped I had a headache to add to my list of woes. It was a very stressful drive home with such impaired vision. At home I took a couple of pain tablets, more vit. C, and a snack of toast and cheese. While waiting for the pain meds to kick in I diverted myself with some computer solitaire then fell into bed about 12:30 and quickly lost consciousness. ZZZZZZZZZZZ...
A Favorite Quote
"It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens." ~ Woody Allen
Very interesting!
Been there, done that. Sounds like your Monday came on a Saturday.
Murphey's Law strikes again! I can't wait to see the video!
My 10th try at posting a comment! I am reading and I am enjoying - I just don't seem to be able to post comments anymore :(
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