Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Marketing Videos, Training Videos, A Movie, Oh My!

Yesterday I responded to casting calls for three projects: one provides meals and a DVD copy of the finished copy; one just provides meals during shooting as compensation; and one pays $350.00 per day (1-3 days). All three have one thing in common - the opportunity to get more experience and pad my résumé.

I received a reply to the first one today. The call was put out by the UT McCombs Business School for a series of marketing videos for a local software start-up company. I tentatively have an appointment to do an informal reading on Monday, July 6th. I will be reading for "Older Caucasion male: mid-forties to sixties, sophisticated, but not quite 'plugged into' what all that technology has to offer him." Guess I'll have to act sophisticated.

The second one was a call for approximately 30 extras for a short film to be shot in Giddings. The shooting is scheduled for the last half of July.

The last - and juciest - call is for actors for a series of training videos which will also include some still photography. The roles are of blue-collar manufacturing workers and supervisors. A few roles may require overnight travel. There's no hint of how many actors they need. It would be really great to get this!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I'm waiting - did you go to these casting calls? I'm living my adventures through you right now!